Let’s try this…

It’s been a while since my last failed attempt at starting and subsequently maintaining and updating a blog.
My life isn’t boring. I’ve lived on the West Coast, East Coast and off the Gulf of Mexico though I’m thankfully back in a suburb of Portland, Oregon.
I’ve been married to my best friend for three years, together for nearly five.
And best of all, I’m a mother. My daughter, we’ll call her A, is nearing two and a half. She’s crazy, hilarious, the ruler of her world (and mine) and I wouldn’t change a wavy sand-colored hair on her head.
In fact she’s the inspiration behind the name of this blog.
In an attempt to get our attention, A started calling us “honey” because thats what my husband and I have always called each other. I switched it to Hunny becauseĀ  that’s how we spell it.
So follow me around, I’ll do my best to find you the best freebies, stories, products and personal experiences I can muster.